FreeBSD on ESXi 5.1でRDMのHDDが0 MBになってた件

vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 + FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASEで750GBのHDDを物理RDMで使っていたのだけど、いつの間にか「0 MB (no media?)」が出るようになっていた。


それでいてgptzfsbootは問題のHDDから行われているっぽいのがイミフ過ぎる。今まで気付かなかったけど、PCIパススルーしたHBAのHDDからはブート出来ないのね(自分の持ってるカードだけかもしれんが)。FreeBSD配下のHDDは基本的にPCIパススルーでくっつけており、SATAポートの関係で件のHDDだけRDMしてたために偶々ブート出来てたっぽい。更に言うと、ブートHDDはZFSでミラーリングしているため、片方がno mediaになってもパススルーの方が生きており使えてたという。綱渡り具合もいいところ。


とりあえずESXiを介さずにFreeBSDを直接ブートし、まずはRAIDを修復。それからIDEバスに物理RDMし直したところ症状は出なくなったが、今度はCAMがDRDY ERRなるものを吐きまくってなにこれこわい。

ESXi 5.1はどうも安定性に欠ける気がする(根拠は全くない)ので、5.0U3に変えたら落ち着いた模様。SCSIにくっつけると相変わらずno mediaになるけど。前は動いてたのに何でだー。

Nitroethane is an organic compound with the chemical formula C2H5NO2. It predisposed an oily liquid at typical temperature and pressure, besides pure nitroethane predisposed colorless with all fruity odor.

Uses besides Reactions

Chemical Reactions: Nitroethane can undergo <a href=></a> the various condensations, this kind as the Henry reaction, in order convert into several compounds of retail interest. For example, condensation with 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde yields the precursor in order the antihypertensive drug methyldopa, in all of this condensation with unsubstituted benzaldehyde yields phenyl-2-nitropropene, a precursor for amphetamine drugs. Fuel Additive and Rocket Propellants: Nitroethane is applied as all fuel additive besides a precursor in order rocket propellants, showcasing its versatility in distinct applications.

Physical besides Chemical Properties

Physical Description: It is <a href=></a> the decision pale, oily liquid with a mild, fruity odor. Boiling Point: Nitroethane owns all boiling orient of 237°F and all freezing point of -130°F. Solubility besides Vapor Pressure: It predisposed slightly soluble in water besides owns solid vapor pressure of 21 mmHg at 77°F. Explosive Limits: Nitroethane has characteristic upper and lower explosive limits, making it solid flammable liquid.

Environmental besides Regulatory Aspects

Release in order the Environment: Nitroethane's production besides use as all solvent, artificial fingernail glue remover, besides chemical intermediate may result in its clear in order the surroundings through the different waste streams. Regulatory Status: In the United States, nitroethane predisposed classified as solid DEA List I chemical, producing it difficult for individuals in order to purchase the result its grouping with drug precursor activities.

1 | | 2024-05-02 09:26 | reply

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  • 最終更新: 2013-12-01 23:30
  • by Decomo